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CodeIgniter for Beginners: Build a Complete Web Application

CodeIgniter is a free web application framework for building websites that use PHP programming. CodeIgniter allows users to develop projects faster by providing a toolkit for commonly needed tasks and the structure needed to access those tools. CodeIgniter’s framework is based on the model-view-controller (MVC) architectural development pattern, which separates presentation logic from business logic. The software also provides several built-in libraries and helper functions for tasks

Course Curriculum

  • Introduction and Setup
  • CodeIgniter and MVC Basics: Controllers, Views and Layouts
  • Database Data: Migrations and Models
  • Displaying and Inserting Database Data
  • Validation and Output Escaping
  • Entity Classes: Editing and Deleting Existing Records
  • Routing: Autorouting and RESTful Resource Handling
  • Registration and Login using Shield
  • Customise Shield
  • User Administration
  • Requiring Authentication Using Filters
  • Authorisation: User Groups
  • Authorisation: User Permissions
  • File Uploads
  • Deployment: Installing the Application on a Different Server
  • Conclusion

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