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Course Description

What is the Laravel PHP framework?
Laravel is an open-source PHP web framework used by developers for application projects. PHP is a general-purpose programming language used for scripting and web development. The Laravel framework is based on model-view-controller (MVC) architecture, a software pattern emphasizing the separation between the software’s display and business logic.Footnote1

With web frameworks, developers begin with a structure for application development, as well as a host of tools to add features and complexities. For back-end web developers, Laravel can save time, resources, and hassle.

The Laravel methodology helps developers quickly scaffold applications and create precisely what they want using simple PHP. Developers can access Laravel’s library of pre-programmed functionality for free. Tools include authentication, HTML templating, routing, and more.Footnote2

For web developers and those who want to begin a web developer career, learning Laravel can add to their toolset and simplify web application development projects.

Course Curriculum

  • Introduction
  • Laravel Version Upgrade
  • Local Environment Setup
  • Local Environment Setup
  • Change PHP Version in Laragon
  • Install First Laravel 9 Project
  • Laravel File and Folder Structure
  • Define Routing
  • Laravel View Introduction
  • Introduction With Controller
  • Form Markup
  • Configuring DB Connection
  • Introduction of Query Builders
  • Understanding Eloquent ORM
  • One to One Relationship
  • File Storage Introduction
  • Redirect Response
  • Return Response JSON
  • Returning File to Download
  • Eloquent & Resource Controller
  • CRUD (create, read, update & del)
  • Service / Provider / Dependency Injection
  • Introduction Of Middleware
  • Introduction to Blade Components
  • Configure Mail Trap
  • Introduction of HTTP Session
  • Introduction Of Cache
  • Authentication
  • Queues Introduction
  • Introduction To Event - Listeners
  • Introduction to Localization
  • Maintenance Mode
  • Project Source Code
  • Creating a basic templet to work with
  • Introduction of Intervention image
  • Introduction of Laravel shopping cart package
  • Introduction of Laravel Permission

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  • shape
  • shape
  • shape